Thursday, November 13, 2008

On my mind

On my mind this morning...

We're still adjusting to life in Kyle. Thank heavens the gas prices have gone down. For awhile there we were paying $60.00-$65.00 per tank of gas and having to fill up 2-3 times a week. That's quite a chunck out of our monthly budget. $30.00 per tank is a little more managable.

We still do not get enough sleep. The nights that Sarah works we don't get home until 11:00 or so. Getting to bed at 11:30 and getting up at 5:15 makes for a very short sleep!

I can't believe Thanksgiving is just 2 weeks away, and Christmas is right behind that. I'm so looking forward to winter break! It's a long one this year. The last day of work is on the 19th and we don't come back to work until January 5th! 16 whole days!!!

I've started knitting! I took one class on October 13th and am having a blast! I finished a scarf (kinda short, but pretty) and I'm working on a couple more scarves and a dishcloth. I'm really enjoying it. I put some pictures up of a few projects I've started.

I'll check back in later!

1 comment:

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Hi Cheryl!! To answer your question on my blog, I'm not sure where those birds came from! They were given to me as a gift. Sorry about that! :(

Have a good week lady! (and fellow Austin-area resident!) :)